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Ice Cream vs. Gelato - There's Only One Winner!

Updated: May 3, 2019

Why a creamy gelato wins hands down. Everytime.

Image by Claudia Dumond @ 3BIS Borough Market

It may still be winter but the days are getting longer and spring is just around the corner - that means, you’ve guessed it, more ice cream for everyone! I can’t deny that I absolutely LOVE ice cream and on sunny days I just can’t seem to resist the urge but with little ones in tow I have to be a bit more careful with what I consume. So did you know there is a health(ier) option for really good ice cream…?


Yes, I mean real, creamy, delicious, close your eyes and dream of the Italian sea gelato. You may think I’ve gone mad but there’s some science behind my madness.

Take a look for yourself courtesy of JuJuSprinkles:

Yes, of course I’m bias, I’m Italian so I have to be but there is truth in the matter. So go forth and enjoy lots of Gelato without the guilt (the biscuits on the other hand are for another discussion…) Enjoy!

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